Well . . .it's been a year - almost to the day - that I've been seen on these pages. Time to get going, encore une fois.
Yesterday one of my promising young students showed up with news. He's auditioning for Steven Spielberg on Monday! So we worked through the sides and he demonstrated clearly that in the two and a half months since I'd seen him, nasty habits had sneaked back into his repertoire. Begone said I! Not to the kid . . .to the habits.
There's this ruinous tendency among young Canadian film actors (maybe it's worldwide!) that being sized correctly for camera means flattening the performance to the point of a flat monotone. Somnolent. Deadly boring. No way to greet Mr. Spielberg!
Bad acting teachers and schools that employ them haven't found a way to inform movie hopefuls that their performance must be internally vibrant, with shifts at every punctuation mark - and external evidence that every line is produced via inner process. This is not rocket science!
It goes without saying that on a film set you don't tear down the scenery and have to be ever mindful the camera and mike are nearby, picking up everything you do with unrelenting clarity.But the wheat is the vitality of the performance! The chaff is all the nonsense you hear about reducing your work to an invitation to a sleepover.More about this soon.
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