Tuesday, March 24, 2009

To begin . . .

I've been at this a long time. . .A very long time.

I awoke this past January 9th, my birthday, looked at my certified certificate of antiquity, and realized that all the urgency and desire - the conviction that I could write the quintessential acting text - the best book ever - was simply a lot of nonsense.

I'd been talking about it for 30 years and still didn't have a helpful word on paper. Some great acting book. We're defined by what we do, not by what we say we want to do!

But now, The Blogosphere. Maybe this nonthreatening forum could allow me to express thoughts about the actors' process as they occurred to me, thus relieving me of the tedious process of concrete organization, the search for a publisher and all that folderol. I am not a happy rigmarole kind of guy. So. Well. . . .We'll see if this blog is finally, actually the real thing, won't we? Do I have something to say, and if I do, will I, at long last, say it?

I started teaching acting in New York City after my heralded off-Broaway production of Robert Penn Warren's All the King's Men and was delighted to discover empirically that Stanislavski knew what he was talking about. My work confirmed his. Pretty arrogant stuff for a wannabe. But it's always been that way with me.

And while my life story and personal road to discovery may be fascinating, that's not what this is about. I don't think. Who knows?

I'm going to end this post soon - immediately, as a matter of fact, but not before I offer my definition of "ACTING".

It's the job of the actor to move through the artificial world of dramatic text in a completely natural state.


  1. I would disagree with the idea that this shouldn't be about your own life story and road to discovery. These are the very things that will make this even MORE compelling reading. I find people really crave more insight on the souls behind the ideas that they enjoy. I have no reason to read a blog if it isn't a bit personal.

  2. Looking good but I must say I am surprised at the level of modesty shown by the author.

    I feel he can't go far unless he learns to blow his own trumpet a little harder!



    First, how *&^%ng PRESUMPTUOUS of anyone but an ACTOR to write a book about acting (let alone to presume to TEACH it). Who the hell would purchase a book about acting written by a non-actor? Only a good actor understands the acting process; THAT is why he is good! .

    Second, had I the noble intention of writing a book, spent thirty years intending, but hadn't the intestinal fortitude to set pen to paper, I wouldn't ADMIT it. Is the blogger's confession admirable, or pathetic?

    I have had only one great acting teacher, and he was, of course, an actor. I had another excellent teacher, who wasn't an actor, but he had no pretensions to writing an acting compendium. He wrote books, however, including the definitive book on DIRECTING. He was one of the finest directors in North America. Best I ever worked for -- BY FAR.


  4. Hi All,

    The intentions of the author are not to rant or toot horns. Actually, I am almost certain, they are to educate through his intense mind.

    Enjoy all!
