In working with young clients over the past week, I noticed a strange phenomenon. Their attempt to produce deep emotion came from the chest - and in one case - from the shoulders. Really. It's definitely a symptom of the actor being in "the head", but presenting the problem in terms of physical location had a powerful effect.
I pointed out to my younguns that when we are in the throes of deeply felt emotion, be it anger, fear, love - what have you, the felt component is centered low down, in the gut. If you reflect on this, dear actor, you'll realize that we're affected by what we feel in our core, not our shoulders or chest.
I asked one student to put his hand on his lower belly and to produce felt emotion from where his hand was located. The result was immediate and astonishing. Stuff began to volcano up and out in a way that literally knocked him back - tripped over the dog and landed on the couch. He's not cured. Not yet. But it's a start. I'm reminded of Stanislavski's work with producing theatrical truth from the outside in. You can get to the moment by physical means. The inside connects to the outside, which has to happen anyway, of course, but there are lots of ways to get there. Whatever works!
In any event, friends, if you feel trapped by thought, try bringing the emotional beat down to your core and see if it rumbles up in a way that defies your head and pays homage to your living soul!